Little Petherick church

Little Petherick 08St Petrock or Pt Petroc Minor is set in a deep valley alongside a bridge. From the outside, the most notable feature is the small chantry chapel added to the south east side. This contains a large tomb to the Riley family is 20thC.

Despite its apparent charm, this church is almost a monument to what not to do. It was the subject of a long programme of work by Sir Ninian Comper, a man who followed the High Victorian line and rarely knew when to stop. If you like High Victorian style then this is one for you.

The interior of this small church is dark and made claustrophobic by two enormous rood screens by Comper, complete with gilded angels. This is not a church in which we are permitted to see into the chancel and is in stark contrast to some of its light and airy neighbours.

Little Petherick 07These screens are regarded by some as his masterworks. Not by us. They might have been acceptable in a longer, lighter church but here are simply oppressive.

It is a pleasure to find a simple 15thC font as light relief.




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