Colan church

St Colan 10The church of St Colanus is not far from St Columb Minor and is one of those lovely small Cornish churches set in the middle of nowhere. It has clearly been restored over time although the standard works do not indicate by whom.

The restoration retained the brass oil lamps, long since converted to electricity, and attempted to re-create parts of the rood screen based on a few surviving pieces. This is done rather inelegantly, to give the impression that the screen has been sawn off at waist height.

St Colan 04Unusually, there is a nave, north aisle and rather large south transept. For some reason, the alignment has gone wrong with the chancel and nave having different centre lines. Don’t worry about the ghostly figure in the photograph, it is simply the brass lectern shrouded in a protective cloth.

There is also:

  • A fine C16 brass memorial on the wall of the chancel
  • The remains of a cross shaft – the C10 Colan cross – outside the porch

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